Webinar by DraganV: 


Please send your questions to the comments section. I will very gladly answer them.


  • Mirjana

    Reply Reply 03/06/2017

    Dear Draga, greetings from New Zealand. I would like to ask you – what is the most efficient (and the fastest) way for getting rid of the old programmes? Two years ago, I had a surgery, as well as a month ago. I know that all health problems are related to our relationship to ourselves. I am also aware that all the troubles are caused by the old programmes which unable us from going forward. I have started by forgiving to all the people that I remembered, and I also forgive mysled; because I do not wish to go through the same pain that I have suffered before and immediately after the surgery. I was suffering from a severe, chronic anaemia, for which I hope is the matter of the past. What is the best and the most efficient way to go toward the healthy and fulfilled life. Many thanks. Kindest regards, Mirjana

  • Adam from Prague

    Reply Reply 03/05/2017

    Hi Dragan,

    I would like to know how to help my girlfriend, which is having significant health problems, also getting worst after contact with “some family members”. Tully, her relationship with the family is a bit pathologic. She suffer quite a lot from this “disharmony” and also tries to suppress it with smoking.

    Thanks for advices and help.

  • Terrence Ellifritz

    Reply Reply 03/05/2017

    Dragan, I bring significant value to my company as a principal sales person. I have experienced health issues that have had a negative effect on my ability to sell so we are now experiencing a huge cash flow strain. This of course leads to major guilt feelings. What would you suggest to avoid these guilt feelings?


  • Martin

    Reply Reply 03/05/2017


    I would ask you for a couple of questions.
    First of all I really want to know how to handle my perfectionism which I always demand from my employees as well as my from business partners and really hate look like an amateur in all aspects of what it means 🙂

    Then how may I help you with spreading your wisdom all around the world? Do you have any programs or products I and ZOOMERING may focus on?

    Let me know and take care.

    Martin (Houston) http://www.zoomering.com

  • Dana

    Reply Reply 03/05/2017

    Hi Dragan,

    My business is not performing well. We lost several important clients and I am under tremendous pressure to keep my business up and running. I am full of worries about my future. Moreover I cannot sleep as I used to… I have feeling that my brain works permanently 24/7! Any help?


  • Sasa

    Reply Reply 03/05/2017

    Dear Dragan, how, at your opinion, I can recognize the “enemy” in myself? Sometimes, being afraid or cautious is the best thing that can happen to us, in order to avoid danger. Is it possible to recognize some precise moment when a kind of inner tension stops being my warning friend and becomes my enemy? Thanks, Sasa

  • Maja

    Reply Reply 03/05/2017

    Dear Dragan,

    I have a question about stress at work place. I wonder, how to manage pressure from the bosses who want to see results and clients who want to have quality and quick service? I can`t do everything cos there is not enough hours in a day or week and they are all expecting for everything to be perfect and done
    immediately. It`s a lot of stress on daily bases. How to manage that?

    Thank you 🙂

  • Marija

    Reply Reply 03/05/2017

    Hi Dragan!

    I live in part of Europe which has really low average salary and high unemployment rate. I have 24 years and I notice that my friends don`t have a clear goal and plan for their future. They graduated recently and they have really negative attitude about finding a job because of the situation in country and cos everybody is talking how hard it is to find a job and to fulfill the dreams.They don`t see the purpose of their lives. How can I help them?

  • Mirjana

    Reply Reply 03/04/2017

    Postovani Dragane, srdacan pozdrav s Novog Zelanda. 🙂 Zeljela bih Vas pitati – koji je najefikasniji (i najbrzi) nacin da se oslobodim starih programa? Prije dvije godine imala sam operaciju , a takodje i prije mjesec dana. Znam da su svi zdravstveni problemi povezani sa odnosom sa samom sobom. Isto tako nevolje nastaju zbog starih programa koji nas koce da idemo naprijed. Pocela sam sa oprastanjem svima (kojih sam se sjetila), a takodjer stalno oprastam i sebi; jer ne zelim opet prolaziti kroz istu bol (doslo je do granica neizdrzljivosti). Godinama sam imala tesku kronicnu anemiju, za koju se nadam da je iza mene. Kako dalje, bolje i efikasnije u realizaciju zdravog i ispunjenog zivota? Najljepsa hvala. S postovanjem, Mirjana

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